Relief in mind

Monday, January 16, 2006

what a night?'s going to be a night..that i'm not planning to sleep at all..cause i've got a chapter to be written and a document to be formatted. why this night, because i didn't do my "gotta do" things until the last time..And tomorrow i'm going to have an extra time for my thesis to be completed..i'm hoping that i can get that extra time.. if everything goes well tomorrow i'll be writing here my plan to be followed..It's action time..

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Thursday, January 12, 2006

e. e. cummings

i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)

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e.e. cummings

i go to this window

just as day dissolves
when it is twilight(and
looking up in fear

i see the new moon
thinner than a hair)

making me feel
how myself has been coarse and dull
compared with you, silently who are
and cling
to my mind always

But now she sharpens and becomes crisper
until i smile with knowing
--and all about
the sprouting largest final air

inward with hurled
downward thousands of enormous dreams

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"Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it." Lou Holtz

“When you know what you want, and want it bad enough, you will find a way to get it.” Jim Rohn

at the moment it is time to confront to myself.. What i want actually, and what i have to do to get them..
1. Got a thesis to complete which will bring me an Ms degree..
2. Wanna develop programs..wanna understand the whole architecture and can do things to hack my life to a better level.
3. Wanna dance..
4. Wanna play tennis..
5. Wanna play guitar..
6. Wanna take photos..
7. Wanna write as i'm writing..

Those are the things i need to improve in order to do the things above..
1. Wanna be a better lover, and soon a husband.
2. Wanna express myself better and move towards my vision..
3. Wanna be single-minded..

What will i do is I WILL REALIZE my AIMS..

"What does not kill me only makes me stronger.." Goethe...
No pain no gain
life is so cliché...

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Wednesday, January 11, 2006

what goes around comes around...

lots of stuff to do..need to prioritize and start doing them..
got a lot of thoughts but cannot write them...circling around..
what need to be done? someone should come and begin.. that someone should be me.. if i command myself, does my subconscious mind blows it off..or will i get into trouble with myself..
miss lots of things..and i'm just one step away from step forward or's all my choice accept the defeat or turn as a winner..
i can do..or just do it..impossible is nothing.. those words sell themselves well..
promises should be fulfilled..
and i got some promises, some very important ones..the ones i gave to myself and to my beloved ones..
well gotta work hard..i'm working hard indeed...but need to do the high priority things first..
see you around..

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Steps for creating a WS with AXIS

1. Create the interface for your application.
2. Create the Impl of your Intf.
3. Compile Intf and Impl
4. Java2WSDL : Generate WSDL for the given Interface
  • Name of output WSDL (mailSender.wsdl)
  • URL of the Web service (http://localhost:8080/axis/services/mailSender)
  • Target namespace for the WSDL (urn:mailSender)
  • Map Java package = namespace (mailSender = urn:mailSender)
  • Fully qualified class itself (com.usta.mail.MailSender)

The full command for our example becomes something like:

% java org.apache.axis.wsdl.Java2WSDL -o mailSender.w
sdl -l"http://localhost:8080/axis/services/mailSender" -n urn:mailSender -p"mail
Sender" urn:mailSender com.usta.mail.MailSender

mailSender.wsdl is generated after the execution

5. WSDL2Java : Generate the Server-Side Wrapper Code and Stubs for Easy Client Access
  • Base output directory (.)
  • Scope of deployment (Application, Request, or Session)
  • Turn on server-side generation (we wouldn't do this if we were accessing an external Web service, as we would then just need the client stub)
  • Package to place code (
  • Name of WSDL file (mailSender.wsdl)

The full command for our example becomes something like:

% java org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java -o . -d Session -s -p mailSender.wsdl

After running this program, following codes have been generated in the fibonacci\ws directory:

  • This is the implementation code for our Web service. This is the one file we will need to edit, tying it to our existing FibonacciImpl.
  • This is a remote interface to the Fibonacci system (extends Remote, and methods from the original throw RemoteExceptions).
  • Service interface of the Web services. The ServiceLocator implements this interface.
  • Helper factory for retrieving a handle to the service.
  • Server-side skeleton code.
  • Client-side stub code that encapsulates client access.
  • deploy.wsdd: Deployment descriptor that we pass to the Axis system to deploy these Web services.
  • undeploy.wsdd: Deployment descriptor that will undeploy the Web services from the Axis system.
6. SMailSenderSoapBindingImpl : Fill in wrapper to call the existing code
7. Deploy the service to Apache Axis
Compile ws java files
package ws, and app classes : jar cvf mailer.jar com/usta/mail/*.class com/usta/mail/ws/*.class
Copy jar file under TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/axis/WEB-INF/lib
Deploy the web service : java org.apache.axis.client.AdminClient deploy.wsdd
8. Write a client that uses the generated stubs to easily access the web service
In the code get access to the service via the ServiceLocator, and then call methods on the remote handle that we have in order to use the service.


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Tuesday, January 10, 2006

I want to believe..

Out there a beautiful life exists and evoluates day by day.. But it is only for whom goes and lives.. Sitting does not return you any progress.. TV does not bring you fun, but pain.. Looking through a glass when it's raining is just so painful.. Need to go out and feel the drops..
It's so amazing to watch clouds traveling up in the air.. And the drops jumping to the ground...
Time to run..
Time to have fun..

“There is one quality that one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants and a burning desire to achieve it.” ( Napoleon Hill )

Be clear..
Be straight.. And don't stop..

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endless indolence..

slept till 12AM with awakenings and small dreams...The only thing I remembered was I just fell asleep last night. What's goin' on what to do next.. dreams after dreams, perhaps just my imaginations..through the day with the thought of the things to be done.. cannot begin my projects..time has come..
walk over the hard lines...bend the line in order to fit your life view.. bind yourself to life..
do things, not delay your the day..think the possibilities..forge your life with all the beauties..
join the show instead of watching it pass by..

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Monday, January 09, 2006

rainy day..

Woke up into a rainy day! Fresh air smells nice, and the rain drops hang up on the tree branches.What a nice view..
Trying to understand JAXR API and Web Services.. A little bit confused.. Need to jump into AXIS and do some examples..
First let's find some hands on tutorials..
By the way today actually is holiday, but some people are working cause there are things to be finished..
Still not made up a plan..
But my next post will include my action plan..
let's feel the rain and seize the moments..

ps.I dunno how much senseful it is but got an idea of making an adaptation of singing in the rain to Y2K6, kind of a rock sound and instead of suits casual wear..

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hit the road jack!

Hit the Road Jack don't you come back no more! just listening Ray Charles..And the inspiration to start blogging appeared in my mind...Nowadays I am thinking to do but mostly procrastinating about things and blogging was one of them..
Now by one..
Let's walk over the 'To Do List'...
First there IS a thesis to be completed...
Second there are things to learn; and things to be MASTERED..
Let's begin our Journey..
From now on do the necessary, and seize the moment with the (will be) the best days of my life..
Soon continued with achievements and day tips&hacks..

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